Monday, 19 August 2013

Summer and school and revision, Oh my!

Greetings :D haha, lovely to be here once again...even though it has only been a few hours! Oh well, there is never too much blogging!

So, in a couple of weeks, most people will be heading back to school after a month or so of summer holidays. *sigh* It only feels like the start yet its so close to the end! D: Lately, I have been revising biology (I fail so much at it!) and been attempting to play 'Prima Donna' from the musical, 'Phantom of the Opera' (my favourite, along with Les Miserables, Love Never Dies and Matilda) but I am....extremely....bad....and....impatient (which is a first!). If I am able to perform it, I will record myself, but I will probably be very old by the time I do!

This is the reason why I'l be very old before I can play it...
I hope that you are all enjoying the sun (a rare thing in the British weather sometimes!) - I know I am (and I'm loving the rain too, haha. Have any of you been anywhere? Maybe taken some lovely photos? Comment below, and I'l try to upload my photos and videos from my travels last week and this week!

Au revoir! Good bye! Moo!
Rebecca x

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